关于经济援助的问题? 这是完整的图片.


为了帮助您开始,我们将其提炼为以下三个步骤. 除此之外,联系大学财务顾问,讨论你的资格和需求. At St. Edward’s, 你的个人财务援助顾问将在你的整个大学生涯中与你一起确定所有的奖学金, 你有资格获得助学金和贷款, and walk you through the application process.

We’re committed to helping right-fit students find their place here, 慷慨的奖学金和经济援助计划,以满足他们的需求.


''Join the thousands of others -  5 minutes is all it takes to 估计一下你要付多少钱.  提示:在开始之前,确保你有学校排名,GPA和当前税务信息!

How to Apply for Financial Aid at St. Edward’s

Step 1

Apply for Admission

When you apply 在优先截止日期之前入学,你将被自动考虑为最优先 scholarships

 Feb. 1


Average merit scholarship and/or grant awarded to first-year students



step 2

Complete the FAFSA

The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) 询问有关家庭收入和资产的问题,以确定学生资助指数. 一定要列出St. 爱德华联邦学校的校规, 003621, 在学校发布部分, so the university gets your results. Because every school has a limited amount of financial aid to offer, 符合我们FAFSA优先截止日期的学生最有可能获得最好的经济援助计划. Of course, 那些在优先截止日期之后提交fafsa的学生仍然会被考虑获得经济援助, but it may be a lesser amount than if they had met the deadline. Check out our tips 填写FAFSA. 

FAFSA Priority
 May 1*

Step three

Log into myHilltop

After you’re admitted and have provided all the required documents, you’ll receive a financial aid offer letter in the mail. Financial aid offers are also displayed in myHilltop. 你会被要求去 myHilltop 接受援助邀请并完成任何额外的要求,以确保你的援助邀请. 许多援助计划结合了三种类型的援助:择优援助、需求援助和补充援助.

All Other Financial
Paperwork Due:
 July 1*

* The FAFSA priority deadline is May 1 for entering freshmen, new transfers and continuing undergraduates.

Why Everyone Should Submit the FAFSA

At St. 在爱德华大学,几乎每个学生都获得了不用偿还的奖学金和助学金. But every year, 一些学生因为没有完成FAFSA而错过了让大学变得更便宜的机会, or Free Application for Federal Student Aid. 了解为什么每个学生都应该这样做 complete the FAFSA


1. You don't need anything besides the FAFSA and your application.
申请St. Edward’s, you only need to submit the FAFSA. 然而,一些大学需要额外的表格或申请与FAFSA一起提供援助. Check with each school’s financial aid office for specific requirements. 

2. 在fsaid上获得FSA ID.ed.gov.
Your FSA ID allows you to complete and sign your FAFSA electronically, and check the status and make corrections to it online. Students and parents must apply for separate FSA IDs. 在学生的整个大学生涯中,您将使用相同的FSA ID来完成FAFSA并访问您的记录, 把它放进保险箱里, convenient place.

3. Make sure you get your FAFSA email.
完成FAFSA后,您将收到教育部的电子邮件确认. If you do not receive a response within 48 hours, contact the Federal Student Aid Information Center at 800-433-3243. St. Edward's will receive your results in a week.

Contact Us

Office of Student Financial Services
512-448-8523 or 800-555-0164